Friday, December 10, 2010

How to retire at 35

Do you remember having:
  • A great vision of where your business was going 
  • A mission and purpose that employees could feel
  • People wanting to join your company so they could be rewarded for their performance
  • Employees incredibly motivated and happy to work there
  • Everything happening quickly and it is exciting
Apple on a treeMany years ago we used a group warm-up that stated, "When you are green you are growing.  When you are ripe, you are rotting."  A weird saying but let's look at it.  When you are green- - hmmm- - that means you are beginning.  Maybe you're young, sprouting new leaves, new beginnings, new ideas, new actions, you are up for something you want to achieve, and you are learning.  A bunch of you are having conversations about what you want and where you are going.   Many are rewarded financially or with other incentives such as trips or what ever turns working families on.

When you are ripe...... maybe you are older and more cynical, more aware of what can't be done, have all kinds of self- imposed limits and just holding on and getting through until Friday.  The vision and mission is old too and you are not sure it is achieveable anymore.  You are thinking, this place isn't what it used to be!  The conversations are, as if everyone has given up and are accepting that success isn't going to happen.  Few are talking of a new vision.  You don't have it in the budget to give rewards.  As a matter of fact everything is about the budget.  Times are tougher, tighter.  What people really need around this business is a kick in the butt, not rewards!

How to retire at 35I remember an article I used to send out called "How to Retire at35."  It described how people shut down at any age.  They show up, mouth the words, but don't care like they used to and mentally retire, even at 35.   They set our economies and businesses back.  No one can afford them.  It is tough to focus on two different things at once.  You are either building or coasting. 

So, "When you are green, you are growing."  I'll bet if you are reading Monday Morning Mentors, you are still looking for ideas.  You have some unrealized goals.  You are looking to build.  If that is the case, it is important that you focus on creating a picture of what you want your business, department or role to be.  It's a  picture of how you will have an engaged, performance- rewarded team.  You are daily engaging people in conversations around your plans and you create a culture of focus and profitable action.  You get everyone doing things they didn't think they could ever do and you praise, reward and excite them about any improvement and every improvement.

That's the magic of growing.  Small miracles can happen. Enthusiasm can grow, horizons are broadened, lessons are learned on the fly, and its' exciting.  Its' fun, and you can begin to grow anytime you decide to do so.


 How about you? 

Are you green, ready to grow, or ripe with a little rot settling in?

What is your vision/

What are you doing to engage your team?

How are you going to reward them for performance?

Have a great week.

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