Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Going Forward

Monday, December 27, 2010.

BoardroomA couple of weeks ago I attended an International Convention in Miami followed by a special recognition and reward weekend given by Dale Carnegie and Associates, Inc. to the top producing businesses in its worldwide network.  I went into the convention concerned about the industry and some of my own recent business issues.   I came out inspired, more ready to do battle.  There are times when every business-wired person needs to let in thoughts that give you a feeling that a lot more success is possible, regardless of your situation.

A businessman from Mexico gave one of the most inspirational talks I've ever heard.  He explained how members of the cartel visited him in his office demanding a monthly piece off the top or his family would be hurt.  He responded by rushing his family across the border.  Then he dressed in workers clothes and last year crossed the boarder daily to work with his clients.  Despite all that his business grew 191%.  Who among us would have the courage, fortitude and drive to keep going under these circumstances?

He went on to say that one evening, after a long, tiring day, his young daughter was trying desperately to figure out where the number 100 fit in her counting.  Over and over they practiced one through 99 but she couldn't get that '100' was next.  He became exasperated and even more tired.  Finally she got it and was very pleased.  As he put her to bed, she began to make the endless bedtime requests that children make.  During one of them, she asked "Daddy, how big is 100?"  By now, he was a bit frazzled, he spread his arms as wide as he could and said, "It's big- this big."  As he left her room his daughter yelled out, "I love you 100 Daddy." 

This stopped him in his tracks.  Everything he had been battling came into perspective.  He realized his life was about having a '100 heart' in everything he does for his family, team and customers.  He explained to his incredibly intent audience that trying wasn't good enough.  You do things or you don't.  He added that working smarter, not harder just doesn't fit.  With his '100 heart' he had to show up very hard everyday.  He called it a working machine and no smarts alone would help him win.  (Sometimes we can outsmart ourselves)  He said too many clichés are a waste of time. 

I could go on and on about his presentation.  All I can say is that I and everyone else in the large meeting room could hardly catch our breath, let alone our tears.  It made us all realize how good we have it and caused us to ask ourselves if we were even close to having a '100 heart'.  How much more could we give - work - and achieve?

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Business reality in these times can make us more cautious, cynical and can result in having less vision.  We have to seek out inspiration that tugs on our core, helps us to balance our perspectives, and become refreshed so we can see and feel what is possible.  We say in our Business Next coaching that current reality without vision can just make us frustrated.  Vision without current reality attached just makes us goofy.  We need to freshen up our vision or we will be burnt from reality.

In my work over 45 years, I have learned that inspiration is the source of our aspirations and values.  Values and aspirations are the source of commitment.  Commitment is the source of action.  And, as you have heard me say many times before, action is all there is.  The biggest producers in business do the things that most non-producers know about, but don't do.  It is that simple.   NoWinning Team magic.

At this time of year one of the best things we can do is to pay special attention to our team, our customers, our family and friends.  Peter Handal, International CEO of Dale Carnegie and Associates, and his team threw every accolade at us at the world-class Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida.  Thank you, Peter.  I left feeling special and appreciated and I know this is what you wanted to accomplish.  Peter is a great example of how to lead by showing appreciation and recognition. Kevin Crone, your Monday Morning Mentor, is on the far right of this Croquet team. 


·  Seek out an inspirational read, or a meeting with a very inspiring leader.  Something that could lead you to feel more committed to what you want to achieve and envision in your life and business.  Maybe bring in an inspirational business speaker for your team.

· Make a quick list of customers, team members, family members and friends that you need to make special.

·E-mail, call or write them.  Whatever.  Be "Peter Handal" like.You may never know when your inspirational act could cause them to pick up their commitment and action.

The New Year is approaching.  Let's prepare to win the battle in 2011.

Have a great week - and Have a wonderful holiday,

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