Thursday, November 18, 2010

Turning Points

Monday, November 22, 2010.

Man-FocusAs I reflect back over the last 45 years, I feel that we have built a successful organization, have helped thousands upon thousands of people and companies, I have a great family, good friends and lots of toys.  A good life but, it almost didn't turn out that way.

I remember very clearly.  I was 23 years old.  I advertised the Dale Carnegie program in the Windsor Star for three weeks.  I created a plan around how to have a successful fall season for my little business which included holding a Preview meeting to showcase my services.  I thought this would get a lot of people interested but on the evening of the Preview meeting only a few people showed up.  I was crushed. All my planning, enthusiasm, and actions came to a stop.  I was done!  No hope for me in this business!

Just two days earlier a client gave me a book by Dorothea Brande called "Wake Up and Live."  It sat on the passenger seat staring at me as I drove to Leamington, Ontario to do my last speaking engagement.  Along Hwy. #3, my emotions got away from me.  I stopped the car and cried. (remember, I was 23)  My dreams, my vision, were a bust.   I looked over at the book, picked it up, and sat there and read half of the book.  It caused me to experience every emotion imaginable and made me sick to my stomach.  Never was I as close to reality as I was then.  A real punch in the gut!  Dorothea had described her life, always waiting to succeed, putting off actions; dreaming with no action attached to the dream.  She was a writer who couldn't get going.  I totally related.

I decided right then that I would rush to that last speaking engagement, get it over, finish reading the book... and then I would re-start my life.  And this time I would take action on all the things I needed to do to succeed.  What a surprise!  I guess I was an inspired speaker that day.  I talked of reality and did not know how many would identify with my story or what it took to succeed, but I didn't care.  I left it all out there after all, I was leaving this business.

The applause was thundering, a standing ovation.  Afterwards a man walked up to me who appeared to be emotional.  He handed me his card and said "Could you come over to see me?  I am the President of H.J. Heinz Company and I would like you to talk to my team."  Instead of leaving the business, I went on to fill my project, struck up a great, long term relationship with a big client, and most of all I learned to talk real about life, success and business.   I learned that most people are hurting and are only half awake.  They have either lost their way, are coasting, or haven't pushed their start button.

BoardroomThanks to Dorothea I understand the meaning of the phrase 'action is all there is.'  All of us 'mail it in' at times or try to dream our way to success, or have the focus of a ninny. And up to that day, I was a ninny.  I was naïve and impractical.  I learned that we have to decide to be the dominant force in our lives and create our success.  Our mommies and daddies have their own issues.  No boss, no organization and especially, no government will take care of us.  We need to motivate ourselves, do the things we need to (whether we like them or not) and invent the life we want.

That day on Highway #3 around Essex, Ontario, I turned my life around.

Business has never been easy.  Selling takes tremendous optimism, organization and focus.  Operations is filled with day to day problems.  And money....everyone seems to know how to take it from you.  Most circumstances are unfair.  There are bullies, politics, and bureaucrats everywhere.  Recessions come and go. SO WHAT!  You don't have to choose to be a victim of circumstance.  You can choose to create the life and business you want. The age old statement is true.  It's not what happens to you but what you do about it. 


Questions this week.
  • How do you relate to my story?
  • How about you?  What realities do you need to face?
  • What are those things you have to do to create the business and life you want?
  • What is your first step?
In some small way, I hope today's e-mail will inspire you to have one of those days that will be a turning point for you.

Have a great week!

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