Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010.
The Employees Won't be There!

A few years ago I wrote an H.R. Report titled "Leading in 2011"  It described how baby boomers by 2012 will be retiring faster than the young ones are coming in and the young ones are not keen on doing business the way companies traditionally do business.  The point is, in order for business to grow we all need to invent ways to find people to do what needs to be done. 
Well the recession has now made the target date "2013."  Forget 2013, it seems that every company I know is losing its' key executives to retirement, NOW.  Some are seeing as much as 35- 45% of their total staff retiring over the next 4 - 5 years.  I am facing it with my firm.
Succession planning should be at least in the top two or three priorities for every business.  Two or three years ago my accountant, Robin Wrydryk of S.B. Partners, asked me to go through a succession planning dialogue.  Initially I was bored until I went back and interviewed my key people and asked what their plans were for retirement.  I woke up in a hurry when I realized some of my senior people were already making plans.  Our succession plan began then and we are now doing many things to insure that we are facing up to the big 'baby boomer and young'en' challenge so our firm can continue to prosper with the capacity to perform and compete.  Here are a few wake-up strategies we and many other firms are doing.  Hope it helps orit's at least as a reminder of what can be done.
  1. It is going to be more expensive to hire people because there will be more demand - so hire more part timers.  A lot of boomers want to stay in touch with their challenging work and friends so hire them for 2 or 3 days a week to work on really important stuff that they are good at.  It is a great strategy for many of them, and you get to tap into their experience to grow the business.  Also, offer more flexible schedules to younger people coming in.
  1. Accept the productivity challenge and begin to operate with fewer, but better people.
  1. If you are in manufacturing or processing it could mean more automation and process improvement.  Whether you are or not, all your processes should result in better meeting the needs of customers.  Old and inefficient systems add to the customers bills.  Engage a team to take a snapshot of your business.  Analyze it from order to delivery.  You will see the processes that need to be redesigned.  Put it on paper or a whiteboard. Is each step necessary?  Does it do what we want for the customer?  Will it help us find more of them?  Put another redesigned system on the board and have the team plan out your process improvement.
  1. Use your key staff for their knowledge and competencies and then outsource anything they are not good at or that doesn't need high value work.  A lot of businesses use a combination of both local and offshore outsourcing which produces great, inexpensive results for their customers.  Make sure your key people are doing high value work and you reward them financially, give them responsibility and keep them engaged.  Outsource the rest.
  1. Another possibility is to consider hiring people to just handle special or one-time projects.
  1. Train and coach your people in what your business needs.  This is the cheapest way to improve productivity and increase the capacity of your business. 
Actions This Fall:
A)  If you haven't done this already, ask people about their retirement plans and what they want.  Together, build a succession plan.
B)  Consider hiring them back part time on high value jobs.
C)  Engage a team and take a snapshot of your business.  "How to find and keep customers and make money."  Look for processes that don't work or don't add value then re-design them.
D) Consider outsourcing low value work and/or what you are not good at.
Have a great week.

Kevin D. Crone
Dale Carnegie Business Group
BusinessNext Inc.
Offering Dale Carnegie Throughout Canada
(905) 826-7300 / 1-800-361-2032 ext. 223
An old business friend called and asked if a few of his key people could attend a "Wake Up Your Business" workshop soon.  He had been reading and sharing the Monday Morning Mentor with them and would like to get a couple of years worth put into a condensed, most important things dialogue or workshop. So I promised I would conduct one (90 minutes) at my Mississauga office one morning for a small group of like minded business people.  So I'm inviting you to join him. No cost, just register below, show up and we will buy coffee.

Here we go Alan.  Let's see who wants to join you. 

Wake Up Your Business Workshop and the
8 Strategies required

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

8:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
(coffee and pastries)

No Charge (first 20 registrations) Clcik Here to register

Dale Carnegie Business Group
2121 Argentia Road, Suite 104
Missisauga, Ontario

Register now and tune up your business and career.

Kevin D. Crone
Dale Carnegie Business Group
BusinessNext Inc.
Offering Dale Carnegie Throughout Canada
(905) 826-7300 / 1-800-361-2032 ext. 223

PS:  Over the last six months I have been getting many nice complaints that some people have not been receiving the Monday Morning Mentor.  While examining the causes one that popped out is that many companies have automatic systems that block repetitive e-mails.  One of the simplest solutions is for you to enroll with your personal email address. 

If you want this weekly business mentoring, then re-subscribe or white list the existing subscription.   A 3 - 5 minute a week read on actions to take your business and career forward is available.  It is up to you.  Make sure you keep getting it.

Become Part of a Historical event
 You can make history. You can be included in a potential best-seller. To commemorate the Dale Carnegie organization's 100th anniversary, Simon and Schuster is publishing a revised edition of the Business Book of the Century - How To Win Friends and Influence People. They are looking for stories around the application of these fundamentals in today's digital world. Email us your stories and we'll forward them to the publishers. If yours is accepted, they will contact you.

Email you stories to:

Welcome To The Monday Morning Mentor

A message from Kevin D. Crone, CEO, Dale Carnegie Business Group, Canada.
Come here each  Monday to receive valuable coaching on topics like:
  • Facing up to the 8 Mistakes of Growing a Business
  • Implementing 21 Ways to Grow a Business
  • Facing up to the 8 Mistakes of Management to Grow Your Career
  • Implementing 10 Ways to Engage, Connect and Build Your People
  • The One Big Missing for Management
  • How to Prepare for a Slowing Economy
  • Designing Your Business to succeed in an ever-changing market
  • Execution - Creating a Climate of Focused Action
  • How to achieve results through the willing co-operation of others
  • Can Your People Change?
  • Getting ahead faster while maintaining a balanced life
  • The Little Recognized Secret of Success   
This will be a personal Monday Morning post from Kevin D. Crone, CEO of a national company who is committed to helping businesses in Canada grow.

Here is the launch message from your mentor, Kevin D. Crone, CEO of the Dale Carnegie Business Group of Canada.
Fortunate to Have Many Mentors
Like many, I know the joys and perils of owning and running a business.  I've been doing it for 44 years.  Since I was 21 years old I've been involved in helping Canadians succeed.  I started Dale Carnegie work with a small team in one county in South Western Ontario.  I had very little going for me except this mission and passion.  By the time I was 28, I purchased the largest Canadian Franchise and within 18 months became the largest franchise in our world-wide organization.  We grew 800%.  Since then, we've added 8 territories.  This sounds good and exciting but since those days, I've seen my share of business ups and downs. I now know that success, although exhilarating and fun; can be wearing on family, even though I've always had the support I needed. I wished I had given my family more time.  It takes a lot of energy and you can become worn down from the constant changes and challenges.

Recessions and market changes take a toll on your spirit and body.  I was fortunate to have several mentors who helped me along the way.  Stu Scott, a Burlington accountant who went on to own over 15 companies and become very wealthy, was a great coach.  His tough love approach and knowledge of business was passed on to me.  Stu would always say to me, "Focus on what's left in your jeans Kevin."

Lee Straughan from New Mexico, a Carnegie franchisee is another great mentor who guided me through the people challenges of running a large organization. He impressed on me the importance of investing what was left in my jeans.  God love both these mentors.
Who is your mentor?  It became obvious that as much as I thought I could do everything myself, I couldn't. We all need support and coaching. 
In the 90s I was mentored by Gunnar Floryd from Sweden and Robert Fritz from Vermont.  More on my Mentors in later weeks.

It's tough to see what's going on from the inside.  Most business people are overwhelmed with details, problems to be solved and being pulled in many directions. Chasing the right one can be the crux of how or whether we grow.  Most times we can't see what's required.  Why?  Because we're so in love with our business, our offering, the story in our head of living out the good life.  

These concepts limit what we see as reality.  Our vision can become stale and we may be more interested in other things than our original vision and our dream of how we would change our market or make a difference in our companies.  

Also, many times we get bogged down with operations or sales and lose sight of the market.  And not to mention, the many people problems that wear us out - this is where an outsider can really help.
Today it's still exhilarating to be in business, yet I see that the stakes are higher, the change is quicker and the people challenges are more complex.  The fundamentals of success are still there.  How to live those fundamentals keeps changing.

Every business and every leader has potential and the great opportunities are still there. Most companies could explode if they saw things more clearly, changed what needed to be changed and then executed and most importantly, get the help they need.

Well, you now have a mentor... me!  Every Monday I'll send you a quick email (much, much shorter than this one).  It should take about 2 minutes to read and 10 minutes to digest.  You could use it as a conversation starter with your people or partner(s) - or just something to kick start your day.  It may help to keep you inspired, not so totally consumed by problems and overwhelmed with the 'gotta do's'. Inspiration and clarity is the source of focused action. You'll get lots of that here.

It will just be me.  The business owners I mentor tell me that I am candid but engaging. I am as action-oriented as they come, and communicate in a down to earth way.  Basically, I will bring you all the research my national group digs up to help you see the trends, what's going on, and what you can do to grow your business and leadership - in a simple "how to" way.  I'll replay for you real life coaching experiences from Canadian businesses and leaders just like you on how to:
  • acquire more customers
  • compete with good ole "tough in the corners" Canadian grit strategies to outsmart and stay ahead of the competition
  • nourish existing customers so they feel special
  • engage new markets
  • engage your people
  • change your leadership habits so you don't inadvertently sabotage your business
  • create a climate of focused action
  • create a structure and design required to advance your business and
  • make your strategies work
I see the need and feel the pain. I see schools, coaches, trainers, and peer group clubs failing to help people like they should.  When consultants leave, so does momentum.  I want to help where I can.

We need practical, down to earth ideas that work, sprinkled with clear direct communication that causes you to act. 

Talk to you next week,
"Kevin from Heaven" (all Irish men are this way)
Kevin D. Crone
Dale Carnegie Business Group
Offering Dale Carnegie & Business Next
(905) 826-7300 / 1-800-361-2032 ext. 223